Friday, December 6

Moeraki Boulders

The second reason we have stopped at Moeraki is so we could visit the famous Moeraki Boulders on Koekohe Beach. The last time we drove through Moeraki a long time ago the tide wasn't right & it was a miserable & wet day so we didn't stop. This time low tide was mid-day & the morning mist lifted long enough for me to get some great shots before the afternoon sea fog rolled in.

"The Moeraki Boulders are grey-coloured septarian concretions, which have been eroded out by wave action from the cliffs of soft, black mudstone that back the beach. In places, partially exposed concretions can be seen in the cliffs. They originally formed on the sea floor when the mudstone was accumulating during the early Tertiary period some 60 million years ago.

The largest concretions are traversed by cracks, filled by yellow calcite. In some the upper part is worn away; only a shell remains, looking like discarded segments of orange peel. The concretions weigh several tons and are up to 12 ft in circumference.These spherical concretions are internationally significant for their scientific value and are a popular tourist attraction."

We didn't see any information board but there really should be one somewhere near the boulders, David got asked by some visitors if they were real or had been man made. They do look like something off a movie set; like a giant has scattered a handful of marbles along the beach. Nature is much more amazing.

That's the fishing village of Moeraki in the background

"The view's great from up here"


  1. Your tripping around is certainly bringing back memories of our 3 month South Island tour a year or so ago. The only place we missed (from your recent posts) was Fleur's Place, and it will certainly be top of the list next trip!

    1. Thanks guys, glad you are enjoying reminiscing. Fleurs is definitely worth the visit, make sure you book. Lunch out on the deck in the middle of summer would be a lovely way to spend an afternoon.


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