Wednesday, December 2

Just A Man And His Rod

It's a relaxed and peaceful evening in the Evans household tonight. Mr E is in his element, at long last he can go fishing again.  We're parked on the side of Lake Ruataniwha not far from Twizel and tomorrow David might just get the Takacat inflatable out to do a bit of lake fishing. He may even break out the fly rod! If the wind stays away.

And while he's fishing I might just find the time to do a few more blog posts, we've had a busy time exploring  Mt Cook National Park and now I am really getting behind with the blogs. Never mind, I'm sure you'll enjoy them eventually.


  1. This would look perfect on canvas. What a great shot! However, in saying that, when do you ever not take a great shot ;-)

    1. Thankyou :), you are right it would look great on canvas. Maybe one day when we have a wall space bigger than a foot square to hang it on! Mind you, I do have a fair few photos that would look good on canvas, it's going to be hard to choose.


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