Tuesday, April 10

Napier Art Deco 2018- Photo Albums


I've finally finished processing and uploading all the Napier Art Deco photos into my Flickr Albums and as promised here are the links should you wish to see them. But be warned, there are a quite a number in each album.

Just click on the link that appears above each photo. You can then either select the 'slide show' button at the top right of the album to view the photos individually or just scroll down the screen viewing the large thumbnails, moving to the next page when you get to the bottom. Enjoy!

If you've been following along on my Art Deco uploads and not sure what you've seen and not seen, the Gatsby Picnic and Memorial Flying Display albums are new.

Gatsby Picnic - Napier Art Deco; Upper & Lower Lawn, Marine Parade

Deco Dog Parade- Napier Art Deco, Soundshell, Marine Parade

Memorial Flying Display- Napier Art Deco, Marine Parade

Out & About- Napier Art Deco, 2018

Vintage Car Parade- Napier Art Deco, 2018

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