Wednesday, March 19

Goodbye Mavora

This will be my last post for a week or so, we're leaving for the Milford Road & Milford Sound tomorrow morning and we'll have no reception again. We've had a relatively quite time here in Manapouri catching up on various chores and computer work. But we did manage to walk part of the Kepler Track & visit Doubtful Sound & the Power Station, I'll post those blogs in due course. Catch you soon.....
I'll finish my Mavora Lakes blog posts with a pictorial of some of the wonderful scenery we were privileged to enjoy during our two week visit. We had a fantastic time and are looking forward to returning in the not to distant future.
Ka kite anō  Mavora






  1. Hi Shellie, I have spent the last week or so reading and thoroughly enjoying your blog posts and your amazing photos. Thank you for sharing this with us. You are certainly having a fantastic time 'Out There'. I'm Joanne Pett (nee Minikin) and haven't seen you for many years although we made a brief contact a few years ago through your Mum & Dad and mine and the few photos you sent. I will certainly be following your adventures now. Cheers Joanne

    1. Well hi there Joanne, great to make contact again! Glad you've enjoyed reading about all our travels. We're having a skating rinks in sight yet though ;)


Thank you for taking the time to leave a message, I love reading them! All comments are personally moderated by me and I will post and answer them as soon as possible, Shellie