Thursday 15 July 2021

Sunrises & Sunsets- Poolburn Dam; Part 4


Continued on from Part 3 

Well that took a little while to come back to you didn't it? A hoar frost & trip into the snowy mountains got in the way a little.

But here they are, a selection of some of the amazing sunrises & sunsets that I captured at Poolburn Dam back in the summer. There were so many WOW moments it was hard to choose the best photos for the blog. Click on the photos to enlarge & to scroll through them. Use you back arrow to return to the blog. 

I was treated to some awe-inspiring sights during our time there, with a spectacular array of colours & cloud formations both in the morning & the evening. 

My favourite sunrise of them all though happened on Valentines Day which was quite appropriate given the range of stunning colours experienced. Who needs the chocolates when Mother Nature presents you with chocolate box covers like this. Or a bunch of roses when the sky was one big bunch of red & orange roses. The colours started out as gorgeous subtle pinks deepening and then moving on to fiery reds & oranges. The whole incredible sunrise lasted over 30 minutes which meant I had plenty of time to scramble back & forward along the lake edge & up and around the cribs to take photos! 

This one (and the first one) are two of my all-time favourite photos.

It is hard to believe but these first few photos were all taken on the same morning; the scene changing by the minute.

I always remind people to look behind them when watching a sunrise because often the scene is just as lovely with soft pinks & apricot although on this day, with the fiery reds & oranges, it was a deep pink.

Another morning sunrise over 'Out There'...

...with the added bonus of reflections in the water.

Not long after the colour bleaches away and if you'd just climbed out of bed you'd hardly know what a spectacular sunrise you'd just missed!

Another sunrise and reflections.

Big skies & paradise!

And then there were the sunsets...

More big skies...

...and another quick race along the road... capture 'the long & winding road'.

Here the sun sets as the fog creeps back in.

A camping neighbour takes in the sunset...

...both of us watching until the sky turns a deep orange and darkness falls.

And the best sunset of them all had me once again running along the road and around to the other side of the dam to capture one of the cribs & old bus in the scene.

I have this one as my screensaver at the moment. It's pure magic!

Made it just in time...

...and the crib's long drop & the clumps of Speargrass make great silhouette subjects.

And then one last photo taken on the edge of the water just before the colour is disappears.

Most mornings you never know if there's going to be any colour in the sunrise but you've still got to get out of bed well before sun up and get to your spot 'just in case'. Because you know that if you don't  Murphy's Law kicks in and you see fabulous colours disappearing just as you lift the blind after snoozing on under the covers.

Several mornings when I thought there was going to be a good sunrise I climbed over the fence and up to the rocky ridge behind the van. After the third visit & not much colour I gave up making do with the subtle pinks off in the distance as I made my way back home.

And on some mornings when the sky was cloudless and there were no sunrises to chase or clouds to colour,  I sat on my rock stack behind the rig in the early morning quiet and watched the blue hour turn to gold. 

Poolburn. Paradise.