Tuesday, October 13

Turkey Lounge

There’s been a caravan parked in the camp over the weekend that’s been turning heads. Lots of heads.

And not only because it happens to be backed up to the boardwalk along the Mount’s Main Beach where a few thousand people walk everyday. All weekend a steady stream of people have stopped to chat to the owners and take photos of this cool looking caravan.

This very unusual mobile home is a custom Teardrop caravan and it’s the pride and joy of Rex and Jenny Moyle. Rex designed and built the caravan from the ground up.

Aluminium and stained wood feature heavily…

…but the pièce de résistance has got to be the cocktail bar at the rear. And while it is indeed a cocktail bar, it is also the kitchen. The inside of the caravan is all bedroom, any entertaining (of the food and beverage type) is done strictly outside. Fine I say, as long as it isn’t raining or there’s not a cool wind blowing.

And towing this beauty is another beauty in it’s own right…

… "Albino”, a 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air.

The caravan is named…

…after Rex’s favourite drink.

Let’s talk turkey…a beautiful and eye-catching piece of craftsmanship that turned heads all weekend.

Although I would have to say that you’d need to be a certain type of person to, firstly, own these vehicles, and secondly, spend so much time talking to & sharing your passion with so many people. I’m very sure I would not be anywhere near as comfortable as Rex & Jenny were at having my kitchen on show for all and sundry to view. But they were in their element.


  1. What an amazing piece of work. I would love to travel with such a caravan. It's beautiful and practical

    1. Thanks Marja, it sure is beautiful but I'm not so sure it would be so practical when it's winter or raining.


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