Tuesday, September 10

No Fixed Abode

No rates, no power, no gas, no lawn mowing, no gardening, no dishwasher(unless you count David), no washing machine, no neighbours and no house!

I couldn't tell you when I wrote this post but we already had a signed conditional contract in place 13 hours after we gave the agent the go ahead to list. And today it went unconditional. Yeehaa!!  A huge difference from the last house; 13 months versus 13 hours.

I have been quietly packing up the house & packing out the fifth-wheeler these past 10 days in readiness for the sale (& hoping I wouldn't jinx it either), mainly because we are taking the fifth-wheeler north for two weeks on Sunday & by the time we get back we'll only have 6 days before settlement.

Both weight & space are critical components when you're towing your home behind you so you should have seen David's face when he saw this lot on the bench yesterday. He really thought I was putting it all in the van. I led him along for a bit before putting him out of his misery. His look of relief was priceless.


  1. Looks like Pete and Soph need to make room for some more stuff! Great news about the sale!

    1. Thanks Rach, not too much "stuff" we had the big clear out last time. See you soon xx

  2. Welcome to the real life of NFA, hope to see you on the road somewhere.


    1. Thanks Bernice, we'll look forward to that very much!


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